Benkovac Wine Tasting

Benkovac-Tasting-001Earlier this spring we had a pleasure to show our hospitality to several quite interesting guests from USA. Mr. Frank Dietrich, joined by his staff, wine writer Marcy Gordon and Zdravko and Marion Podolski of GoHvar blog all joined us at a very special little tasting in Benkovac.

Secret Dalmatia cooks for homeless

[caption id="attachment_4374" align="alignnone" width="1000"]tt7 And cutting and chopping and peeling…[/caption] We are lucky to have met dozens of great people in our line of work. Many amazing people are working with us in one goat: to provide great experiences for travelers. One of them is Lana Iljadica who is not only our dear friend and one of the best guides ever but also a person of great love for everyone.

Ruinart Champagne dinner at Pelegrini

We have been invited by chef Rudi for an evening of Ruinart champagnes paired with his (always) great dishes. Pelegrini is one of the top 3 restaurants in the Country and always an absolute pleasure to dine at so we could not refuse.