Old Italian Song from Zadar

The history of Zadar, known historically as Zara, is deeply intertwined with that of its Italian community, the Zaratini. But I never heard any old Italian songs from Zadar

The Italian community’s impact in Zadar was profound, especially during the period when the city was under Italian rule. This influence is evident in the city’s architecture, culture, and even in the lingering Italian linguistic traces. However, the fate of the Italian community in Zadar changed dramatically over time. The allied bombings during World War II and subsequent communist rule in Yugoslavia led to significant hardships for the Italian majority. Many were hurt or displaced during these tumultuous times.

Zara Italiana from the air
Zara Italiana from the air

Povratak u Zadar

One book, “Povratak u Zadar” by Sereno Detoni, holds a special place in my collection of books on our Dalmatian history because the Italian Community of Zadar published it in Croatian.
It is a sad book. A very emotional account of a person returning to his home city where nothing was as he remembered. Not even the language.

But what especially caught my attention were the lyrics of two old Italian songs from Zadar that I never heard before.

The first one I could not find and there is little on the old Zaratini songs on the web in general. The memory is getting lost.

Ti Portero in Calle Larga

However, the second one I managed to find. A very strange source: an American author playing only the melody in memory of his late father who was born in Zadar! It is a very emotional video and the songs starts at 3:35.

If you cannot see the video, here is the link to Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-1r1xwvvOQ&list=LL&index=1&ab_channel=RobertoPhilipp

Pretty much, for the first time, I got a completely new dimension of the life that passed away! I have the postcards and photographs, I can walk the streets and the old cemetery that remind us of Old Zadar and I even have some 1940s Maraschino stashed away. But to hear the sounds… Now this was special!

I am convinced that there must be someone with an old record or two of these historic songs. Digitizing them would be invaluable, especially since such treasures are scarce online.

Today, the memories and absence of the Zaratini are an essential part of Zadar’s historical narrative. The city’s relationship with its vanished Italian community is a poignant reminder of the shifting tides of history and the enduring impact of cultural intermingling.

Few more songs came to my attention.


  1. Anna says:

    This is so interesting to me! My baba tells me about her mother alot…. How she had to change her Croatian name to Conti when the Italians were in charge, but then changed back to Pijaca later. My late dido could even speak quite a bit of Italian too. Thanks for the link to the song as well, it’s beautiful. Thank you for this little piece of history. X

  2. Glad you like it!
    It wasn’t always easy living in multi-cultural societies but I think those are the best. And we have lost a lot with the departure of Italians from our coast.

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