Post no. 100

I started writing this blog to let people know of all the riches that can be seen in Croatia and to promote my web sites. But, it is becoming more of that, it is becoming a bit of a guide to all that can be seen in Croatia but also to our customs, way of life… It is also a diary of my travels and explorations. I enjoy far more visiting remote hilltops that 5 star hotels but that is part of the job.

My only goal is that people see Croatia, and especially my Dalmatia, as it really is. Not simply to rush through our major attractions and most popular destinations, but to lie down and watch the clouds on Hvar, snorkel on Kornati, sleep on the boat and listen the small fish bite the algae bellow…

Dalmatia is the “curse” of beauty, historic heritage, great food and wine… While I lived in US for 5 years, while going to The New England School of Art & Design, I kept thinking about coming home smelling that figs rotting in the fields, sea water dried on a pier, drinking water from Krupa spring…

Stop for a second while here, and relax. You are in Dalmatia – the most beautiful part of the World.
Hundred posts have gone by and hundreds are to follow.

Enjoy the photo bellow (Burnum, Krka National park) as it was one of the places that started this adventure with Secret Dalmatia.

Ruins of Burnum
Ruins of Burnum

One Comment

  1. čestitke / congratulations…samo tako daje…poz…

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